


"minaminao" made a very interesting and hard blockchain challenge of which length is short in SECCON CTF 2023 Quals.


I felt like solving pwnable because I had to chain the payload like ROP.


I wasted a lot of time and effort during/after the competition and the reason was very trivial.

That was the difference of bytecode between my local and the server environment.


I used Remix IDE which provides CLI and has a default compiler option of "no optimize, --evm-version shanghai".

However, "forge build" of the server environment has "--optimize" and "--evm-version paris".

Remix IDE
TokyoPayload.json (forge build)


I rewrote my payload four times until I found out this and recognized that the bytecode was different after seeing the excessive transaction gas usage. 


author's comment


I think everyone who solves this problem has a different payload.

My payload is complicated and long, so I recommend you look at other payloads.





Through this challenge, I learned so much interesting something about EVM and Solidity.



Let's assume that optimization is not applied.


EVM is a state machine using Stack, Memory, PC, etc.

When we call a function, we pass function arguments and return value through the stack and memory.




Calling a function within the contract means that we move Program Counter to staring point of the corresponding function opcode via JUMP.

Only JUMPDEST is allowed as the destination of JUMP, otherwise it reverts.

We can find the destnation index through deployed bytecode.



The caller should push JUMPDEST to return, JUMPDEST to go, and arguments to the stack.

The callee should clean the space they used. e.g. If they received some arguments from the caller, they should pop them.


without argument

function fun1() public {

function fun2() public {
tag 4			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  PUSH [tag] 7			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  PUSH [tag] 8			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMP 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
tag 7			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  STOP 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
tag 8			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun2() public {\r\n  ...



stack[0] = destination addr

stack[1] = return addr




with arguments

function fun1() public {
    fun2(0x8, 0x9);

function fun2(uint a, uint b) public {
tag 6			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  PUSH [tag] 12			fun2(0x8, 0x9)
  PUSH 8			0x8
  PUSH 9			0x9
  PUSH [tag] 10			fun2
  JUMP 			fun2(0x8, 0x9)
tag 12			fun2(0x8, 0x9)
  JUMPDEST 			fun2(0x8, 0x9)
  JUMP 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
tag 10			function fun2(uint a, uint b) ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun2(uint a, uint b) ...
  POP 			function fun2(uint a, uint b) ...
  POP 			function fun2(uint a, uint b) ...
  JUMP 			function fun2(uint a, uint b) ...


stack[0] = destination addr

stack[1] = arg0

stack[2] = arg1

stack[3] = return addr




without return

function fun1() public {

function fun2() public {
tag 4			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  PUSH [tag] 7			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  PUSH [tag] 8			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMP 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
tag 7			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  STOP 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
tag 6			function fun2() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun2() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMP 			function fun2() public {\r\n  ...
tag 8			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  PUSH [tag] 11			fun2()
  PUSH [tag] 6			fun2
  JUMP 			fun2()
tag 11			fun2()
  JUMPDEST 			fun2()
  JUMP 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...


stack[0] = ret addr




with return

function fun1() public {

function fun2() public returns(uint, uint) {
    return (0x8, 0x9)
tag 4			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  PUSH [tag] 9			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  PUSH [tag] 10			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMP 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
tag 9			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  STOP 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
tag 6			function fun2() public returns...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun2() public returns...
  PUSH 0			uint
  DUP1 			uint
  PUSH 8			0x8
  PUSH 9			0x9
  SWAP2 			return (0x8, 0x9)
  POP 			return (0x8, 0x9)
  SWAP2 			return (0x8, 0x9)
  POP 			return (0x8, 0x9)
  SWAP1 			function fun2() public returns...
  SWAP2 			function fun2() public returns...
  JUMP 			function fun2() public returns...
tag 10			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  JUMPDEST 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...
  PUSH [tag] 13			fun2()
  PUSH [tag] 6			fun2
  JUMP 			fun2()
tag 13			fun2()
  JUMPDEST 			fun2()
  POP 			fun2()
  POP 			fun2()
  JUMP 			function fun1() public {\r\n  ...



stack[0] = ret addr

stack[1] = ret1

stack[2] = ret0




+ if the caller does not receive return values, they will be popped.



array layout


dynamic array: 

storage[slot] = length

arr[i] = sha3(i, slot)


fixed array: 

arr[i] = slot + i



dynamic array:

mem[ptr] = length

arr[i] = ptr + 1 + i


fixed array

arr[i] = ptr + i



memory layout



[0x00: 0x40]: scratch space

[0x40: 0x60]: currently allocated memory size

[0x60: 0x80]: zero slot


The zero slot is used as initial value for dynamic memory arrays and should never be written to (the free memory pointer points to 0x80 initially).


tokyoPayload():: function()[] memory funcs;

resetGasLimit():: uint256[] memory arr;


Since dynamic memory arrays are used without allocation, zero-slot(0x60) represents them.





A user must set solved as true, but it seems that there is no functionality to change slot 0 inside TokyoPayload.

We can easily come up with the idea of calling a logic contract that turns slot 0 into true through delegatecall().


Unfortunately, delegatecall() has two constraints, one of which is checking for msg.sender and the other is gas option. 

It is natural that we cannot find the private key whose public key is 0xCAFE.

So we need a method of bypass for require statement


Assuming we bypass require statement, we need to increase gasLimit by at least 20000 because sstore opcode consumes 20000 gas.

As the name of resetGasLimit() shows, it resets gasLimit
In resetGasLimit(), uint256[] memory arr is declared as a dynamic array but it is not allocated, resulting arr.length is zero 


As I mentioned above, not-allocated dynamic array is represented by zero slot that occupies memory [0x60:0x80).

If we change zero slot, we can control gasLimit.


tokyoPayload() provides a user with the chance to overwrite memory using calldatacopy.

If we call resetGasLimit() continuously before tokyoPayload() finishes its procedure, the memory is retained.

Additionally, it has a function pointer array and calls one of those, allowing us to chain calling function!!


We are aware that calling functions is equal to jumping to JUMPDEST within the deployed bytecode.

In the solidity code, if-else, require statement, calling functions create a branch, meaning that the code that is not the entry point of the function can be JUMPDEST.


For example, delegatecall() opcode follows as:


We can easily bypass require statement through tag 50.




To summarize, we must

1. control memory[0x60:0x80) using calldatacopy

2. bypass the require statement using JUMP


the calldata of tokyoPayload() consists of

function signature=hex'000040c3'(4-byte) + x(32-byte) + y(32-byte) + additonal data(length we want)



Maybe everyone's solution is different from here.


I chose x as 0x7b, which makes memory[0x60:0x80) = 0x40c300. 

Then 0x40c300 && 0xffff = 0xc300 is more than 20000, gas is enough to use sstore opcode.


At this point, we note that the range of x should be [0x40: 0x79]. 


Before funcs[z]() is called, array boundary check exists. 

Since funcs is not allocated, it compares the value stored at zero slot with the index called.  

PUSH 60			function()[] memory funcs
PUSH 0			uint256 z
DUP3 			y
SWAP1 			uint256 z = y
POP 			uint256 z = y
PUSH [tag] 43			funcs[z]()
DUP3 			funcs
DUP3 			z
DUP2 			funcs[z]
MLOAD 			funcs[z]
DUP2 			funcs[z]
LT 			funcs[z]



By the way, we don't need to care about that because zero slot has 0xc300.


Which JUMPDEST should we choose?


1. tokyoPayload(x, y)

2. load(i)

3. createArray(length)

4. resetGasLimit()

5. delegatecall(addr)



When we encounter JUMP opcode, stack follows as:


stack[0] => next JUMPDEST

stack[1] => ret addr => finish this call of tokyoPayload()

stack[2] => z

stack[3] => funcs zero slot: 0x60

stack[4] => y

stack[5] => x

stack[6] => 0x97 => stop opcode

stack[7] => tokyoPayload function signature




As we learned above Background, the function's arguments are passed through stack.

If next function has 

1. no argument 

there is no change due to the type of funcs

stack[0] => next JUMPDEST

stack[1] => ret addr

stack[2] => z

stack[3] => funcs zero slot: 0x60

stack[4] => y

stack[5] => x

stack[6] => 0x97 => stop opcode

stack[7] => tokyoPayload function signature


2. one argument

stack[0] => next JUMPDEST

stack[1] => ret addr => next function's argument

stack[2] => z => ret addr

stack[3] => funcs zero slot: 0x60

stack[4] => y

stack[5] => x

stack[6] => 0x97 => stop opcode

stack[7] => tokyoPayload function signature


3. two arguments

stack[0] => next JUMPDEST

stack[1] => ret addr => next function's second argument 

stack[2] => z => next function's first argument 

stack[3] => funcs zero slot: 0x60 => ret addr

stack[4] => y

stack[5] => x

stack[6] => 0x97 => stop opcode

stack[7] => tokyoPayload function signature




In order to control execution flow, I must choose one argument case.

As a result, we will call sequentially tokyoPayload() -> funcs[z]() -> z().


stack[0] => next JUMPDEST => first call

stack[1] => ret addr => first function's argument

stack[2] => z => first ret addr => second call

stack[3] => funcs zero slot: 0x60

stack[4] => y

stack[5] => x

stack[6] => 0x97 => stop opcode

stack[7] => tokyoPayload function signature

It would be better to look at load() for pushing some values we want to the stack.

Having three return values is identical to pushing three values into the stack.


if the first call is load()


step i)

stack[0] => next JUMPDEST => first call => load()

stack[1] => ret addr => first call's argument => i

stack[2] => z => first ret addr => second call

stack[3] => funcs zero slot: 0x60

stack[4] => y

stack[5] => x

stack[6] => 0x97 => stop opcode

stack[7] => tokyoPayload function signature


step ii)

stack[0] => z => first ret addr => second call

stack[1] => c => third return value => second call's argument

stack[2] => b => second return value => third call

stack[3] => a => first return value

stack[4] => funcs zero slot: 0x60

stack[5] => y

stack[6] => x

stack[7] => 0x97 => stop opcode

stack[8] => tokyoPayload function signature







Remix setting(important)
remix debugger



I noted that load(i)'s third return value remains, allowing me to use it as any function argument.

So my idea is that I repeat this and then chain those like load() -> load() -> ... -> func1 -> func2 -> func3 => solved!! 

Actually, func1, func2, and func3 are determined above. 

func1 => resetGasLimit()

func2 => delegatecall(addr)


We will set load()'s third value in detail. Now we just set a value for easy identification in the debugger.



Due to optimize option, we have to take a look at resetGasLimit() opcodes.


resetGasLimit() could be called from two places:

i. just call resetGasLimit()

ii. inside tokyoPayload()


They have different opcodes at the end.

i) case cannot be used in our payload because it has a STOP opcode.

tag 5			function resetGasLimit() publi...
    JUMPDEST 			function resetGasLimit() publi...
    PUSH [tag] 11			function resetGasLimit() publi...
    PUSH 60			uint256[] memory arr
    MLOAD 			arr.length
    PUSH 1			gasLimit
    SSTORE 			gasLimit = arr.length
    JUMP 			function resetGasLimit() publi...
tag 11			function tokyoPayload(uint256 ...
    JUMPDEST 			function tokyoPayload(uint256 ...
    STOP 			function tokyoPayload(uint256 ...


We have no choice but to go to ii).



As we know, tokyoPayload() would make the stack:

stack[0] => next JUMPDEST

stack[1] => ret addr => finish this call of tokyoPayload()

stack[2] => z

stack[3] => funcs zero slot: 0x60

stack[4] => y

stack[5] => x


some value I pushed


stack[?] => 0x97 => stop opcode

stack[?] => tokyoPayload function signature



That means scenario ii) spoils stack[0:5] to be used for chaining.

As we think of ROP, pop-pop-pop-pop-ret gadget also exists in deployed bytecode? 

The answer is yes.


tag 43			funcs[z]()
    JUMPDEST 			funcs[z]()
    POP 			{\n        require(x >= 0x40);...
    POP 			{\n        require(x >= 0x40);...
    POP 			function tokyoPayload(uint256 ...
    POP 			function tokyoPayload(uint256 ...
    JUMP 			function tokyoPayload(uint256 ...


Thanks to pop4-ret gadget


stack[0] => next JUMPDEST => p4-ret gadget

stack[1] => ret addr => will be popped

stack[2] => z => will be popped

stack[3] => funcs zero slot: 0x60 => will be popped

stack[4] => y => will be popped

stack[5] => x => next call! => delegatecall()


some value I pushed


stack[?] => 0x97 => stop opcode

stack[?] => tokyoPayload function signature








before pop4-ret
after pop4-ret


0x1a3 is JUMPDEST bypassing require statement within delegatecall(addr)




delegatecall opcode argument


0xcccc..cc would be logic contract address.



delegatecall(addr) return address


0xbbb.bbb would be delegatecall(addr) return address.

To finish this chaining, I put JUMPDEST which has STOP opcode.


In fact, 0xaaa..aaa was unnecessary so I could have reduced the number of calling load().



In conclusion, we went through the following flow:

tokyoPayload -> load -> load -> load -> resetGasLimit -> POP4-RET -> delegatecall -> STOP









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